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  • Friday, March 10, 2006 01:59 pm
    Maid In USSR
    You already know Nasta. This time she poses in a sexy maid's outfit. I usually don't shoot girls in sex shop costumes because I think this has nothing to do with amateur erotica. But this lovely lingery was brought to the studio by the model herself - and the model's desire is a law for me. Here I have to tell you once again that all the models do they do for their pleasure. I never force them into acting the feelings they have no idea of. If we show you lesbian love please be sure the performers are real lifestyle lezzies. If the girl has never masturbated in her life (poor thing!) I will not make her do stupid faces and poses in the camera to cheat you. You only get real girls with real emotions here at HelenVolga.
    And again, today's model Nasta shows us her face and, er-r, second face as an extra treat.

  • Monday, March 06, 2006 11:16 pm
    New Video - Inga!
    I believe - and maybe you will agree - that masturbation is at least one of Top 10 pleasures, and that sometimes - in fact very often - it turns out better than sex with a partner. Slender and young looking 36-year-old Inga is at the age when the woman's nature itself strongly demands more sex and if there's no right kind of man around, masturbation works best. Watching her made me horny, and what about you? In this video (11 minutes) she masturbates long and shudders in big orgasm finally.
    Watch the trailer and a full video inside!

  • Sunday, January 22, 2006 09:50 pm
    Art Lover
    Today Tory and I visited my friend, an artist. I think she's a girl of exotic beauty and needs to be shot in an exotic background. I'd love to take her to Hawaii instead, and maybe some day, who knows...
    The painter who owns the appartment became interested in drawing and painting the models for us. Also some of the girls are artists themselves. So here I'm announcing a new idea that we're constructing and soon will introduce you the HelenVolga Art Zone. And of course it will be a nude Art zone!

  • Saturday, January 21, 2006 03:44 pm
    Beside the website, I have a few offline projects, and on of them happened last week when 6 of the models, including myself, took part in a topless beauty contest at a nightclub. I was surprized at hearing the jury announce the winners because Caprise hasn't won the prize. But I think she was the girl who deserved the Tits-2005 award. Will you agree she looks great topless (and of course nude too)?

  • Friday, January 20, 2006 04:45 pm
    Don't Tell Anyone!
    I appreciate Sandra taking part in the website very much, and I'm also grateful to Bredda who recommended me this cutie. Sandra's so beautiful, with her fragile figure, charming face, rich long hair of
    natural color. With her look and popularity, I could expect an arrogant and demanding creature. It was a complete surprise to meet such a friendly and sweet girl. Somebody who's probably closer to perfection than any of us models here. Though when I look at any of
    the model I can't help admiring her.

  • Friday, January 20, 2006 07:20 am
    Set for Helloween
    This set was planned for Helloween but there was a delay so we are publishing it to meet the release of another Harry Potter episode - Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire. You know, these days every young girl here, like kids, are going crazy about the books and the movies. And Viola is no exception.

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